Eat, Drynk and be Merry!
Spend a fun-filled day at the Festival. You'll be hard-pressed to pass by one of our kitchens or pubs without sampling something delicious - usually served on a stick! Hearty soups, sandwiches, corn on the cob, meat pies, fish and chips, and far too many tempting decadent desserts are the fare of the Faire. But the ultimate Renaissance treat is the mighty Smoked Turkey Legge! Tipping the scales at 1 1/2 pounds each, these are a meal unto themselves!
Experience the Joust!
You'll be on the edge of your seat as noble knights in shining armor battle and compete with lance and sword, crossbow and chariot! This epic show is filled with thrilling stunts, trick riding, and twelve tons of equine fury!
Barely Balanced
Small, Medium and Large will literally bend over backwards (and a lot of other ways) to entertain you!
Pub Crawl
You and your friends can travel from one pub to another, enjoying a frosty beverage, bawdy jokes and songs, and drinking games with some of Newcastle's shadier citizens!

Unique Food & Drinks
Feast like Royalty from our huge menu of hundreds of tasty items. Start off with an appetizer of Fried Mac & Cheese on a Stick, and move up to a Giant Roasted Turkey Legge or Steak-on-a-Stick. Munch on roasted corn on the cob, smothered in butter, and wash it all down with a cold soft drink or a frothy ale. Top it all off with one of the many sweet desserts favored by the Queen herself. You'll not go hungry in our Village!